Nochmals der Seriast: House of Cards, die kafkaeske Zweite

[The Prosecuter, Ms. Dunbar, is sitting at a table in a small courtroom willing to ask delicate questions] Mr. Tusk.


[Raymond Tusk, the accused, is entering the room with his lawsuit entourage of about 7 attoneys and sits down on the other side of the dark oakwood table] Well, Ms. Dunbar, in 67 years on this planet, I have never once been issued a subpoena. I can now cross that off my bucket list.


[Ms. Dunbar] This interview is being recorded and sealed. As the subpoena mentioned, Mr. Tusk, I soke with Xander Feng [The key witness]. He verified you were his partner in laundering Chinese money to political Super PACs [Political Action Committee = Lobbyists who transfere donations into political influence due election campaings] since 2005.


[Ms. Dunbar] How would you respond to his allegations?


[Nameless suited main attoney] My client exercises his rigth to plead the Fifth Amendment [„5. Zusatzartikel zur Verfassung der Vereinigten Staaten“ grants the right not to witness against oneself].


[Ms. Dunbar] Did you ever use these contributions to bargain for politicals favours?


[Nameless suited main attoney] My client exercises his rigth to plead the Fifth Amendment.


[Ms. Dunbar] What was your relationship with Daniel Lanagin [Another important witness]?


[Nameless suited main attoney] My client exercises his rigth to plead the Fifth Amendment.


Heather Dunbar aka Elizabeth Marvel (1969 -), House of Cards – Chapter 25: 34:27 – 35:25 [Staffel 2, Episode 12]

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